
OpenAI (ChatGPT) integration gives your chatbot the ability to answer general questions about almost anything you can imagine. To start using it, follow the steps below.


  • If Dialogflow is active, the OpenAI query is performed only if the chatbot does not know the answer to the user's question and if the length of the user's message is greater than 6 characters.

Smart Reply

OpenAI Smart Reply works exactly the same way as Dialogflow Smart Reply but it is powered by OpenAI instead of Dialogflow. If OpenAI Smart Reply and Dialogflow Smart Reply are both active, Dialogflow Smart Reply takes priority and OpenAI Smart Reply is used only if Dialogflow has no suggestions.

Spelling correction

This feature automatically fix any spelling mistakes in the agent's message.

Rewrite message button

This feature adds a button to the text field of the conversation area, click on it to rewrite your message and make it more friendly and professional. Greetings will be added automatically if there is no previous agent messages.

OpenAI parameters

PSI Bot you to adjust various OpenAI parameters such as temperature and logit_bias, for more details visit Don't set any values if you don't know what these parameters do or OpenAI may stop working.

Generate user expressions - Option

When this option is active, OpenAI will generate new user expressions in real time when you open the Dialogflow Intent window by clicking the Send to dialogflow menu item of a message in a conversation.

Generate user expressions - Button

When you click the button Generate user expressions, openAI will update your Dialogflow agent and generate new user expressions for each Intent.

  • Make a backup of your Dialogflow agent first.

  • This task can take several minutes or even hours if your chatbot has a lot of Intents. Since the operation takes a long time, your server may interrupt the operation (operation timeout) before it finishes, in which case you need to click the button again. You can verify if the operation is interrupted by checking the browser console for errors.

  • This task is performed only once per Intent. Previously processed Intents will be ignored.

  • This task checks existing user expressions and does not create duplicates.

  • The first 5 user expressions will be used to generate new user expressions.

  • Since this is an automated process, we strongly recommend reviewing your Intents after the task has been completed.

  • The OpenAI model is always text-davinci-003 regardless of the active model.

Last updated