More information

  • If you does not receive WhatsApp messages make sure you are not assigning the WhatsApp conversations to a department and that the WhatsApp number used for testing is not a phone number of a PSI Bot admin or agent. Also, make sure you setup correctly the WhatsApp webhook URL.

  • If you can not send messages, an error should appear in the admin area when you try to send a message to the user.

  • We cannot provide support for Twilio or 360dialog configuration, including all related issues.

  • We cannot provide support in getting your WhatsApp account or WhatsApp message template approved.

  • WhatsApp conversations and messages are compatible with routing and queue.

  • If you are testing with the sandbox and after 72 hours you can no longer send messages to your phone number you must link again your phone number to your sandbox.

  • If you send chips, buttons or select rich messages, with more than 3 options, you can use the whatsapp="Your menu text" shortcode attribute to set the text of the WhatsApp message menu.

Last updated