Merge fields

Merge fields and shortcodes

The following merge fields and shortcodes can be used in emails and messages.


Slider of product's images. If there are no results, the full message is replaced by "No results found".



Check if the store ship in the given country.



Attribute terms list of a product's attribute.



Attribute name of an attribute term.



Category page link.



Tag page link.



Product name.

Dialogflow, Automated Messages


Product image.

Dialogflow, Automated Messages


Product price.

Dialogflow, Automated Messages


Product description.

Dialogflow, Automated Messages


Product rating. If the product has no ratings yet, the full message is replaced by "[product name] has no ratings or reviews yet.".

Dialogflow, Automated Messages


Product link.

Dialogflow, Automated Messages


List of the shipping countries.

Dialogflow, Messages, Automated Messages


Shop link.

Dialogflow, Messages, Automated messages


Cart link.

Dialogflow, Messages, Automated Messages


List of the products in the user's cart. If the cart is empty, the full message is replaced by "Your cart is currently empty".

Dialogflow, Automated Messages


Status of the last user's order. If the user has never placed an order, the full message is replaced by "You haven't placed an order yet".

Dialogflow, Automated Messages


Details of the last order user's order. If the user has never placed an order, the full message is replaced by "You haven't placed an order yet".

Dialogflow, Automated Messages


Product card. Optional attributes:

  • id The product ID.

  • link-type The action on user click. Available values: purchase, checkout, link. Default: purchase.

  • link-text The button text. Default: Purchase.

Dialogflow, Messages, Automated Messages


Search for the products matching the given attribures and display them in a slider of products cards. If there are no results, the full message is replaced by "No results found". Optional attributes:

  • id The products IDs separated by commas. If this attribute is setted, all other attrbutes are ignored.

  • tag Display only the products of the given tag.

  • category Display only the products of the given category.

  • discounted Set it to true to show only the products in promotions.

  • rating Display only the products with a rating equal or bigger than the given value. Enter a value from 1 to 5.

  • max-price Display only the products with a price equal or smaller than the given value. Enter a number.

  • min-price Display only the products with a price equal or bigger than the given value. Enter a number.

  • attribute Display only the products with the given attribute term.

  • link-type The action on user click. Available values: purchase, checkout, link. Default: purchase.

  • link-text The button text. Default: Purchase.

  • language The language code of the products to display.

Dialogflow, Messages, Automated Messages


Available payment methods.

Dialogflow, Messages, Automated Messages


Generate a coupon code. Optional attributes:

  • discount The coupon discount in percentage.

  • expiration The coupon expiration. Example: '60 seconds', '5 hours', '2 days'.

Dialogflow, Messages, Automated Messages


Products names.

Only where specified


Discounted product price or total discounted price of multiple products.

Only where specified


Original product price or total original price of multiple products.

Only where specified


Multiple users carts list with products.

Only where specified


Purchase product button.

Only where specified


Product details card.



List of products details cards.


Rich Messages

[woocommerce-button name="" ids="" coupon="" checkout="true"]

Add a product or multiple products to the user's cart. Optionally apply a coupon code, and redirect the user to the checkout page.

Last updated